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Monitored Security Alarm

A monitored Commtech Security alarm system is your best protection against intruders but here are some simple things that you can do now to protect your home.

Keep hedges and bushes trimmed and well clear of doors and windows. If possible avoid having a high fence or tall trees and bushes in front of your home as these provide cover for thieves. When away from home for a lengthy period, take steps to make sure your house appears occupied. Have your mail redirected or collected, cancel newspaper, milk and other deliveries and arrange for relatives or friends to visit regularly. Even better, have a neighbour park their car in your driveway while you are away and put old clothing items on your washing line.

Ensure all external doors are lockable, Easily accessible windows and your garage and shed should be secured. Install movement sensor lighting around entrances to the property and house as well as external walls.

A prominently displayed home security system sticker can be an effective deterrent. Don't leave ladders, tools and gardening implements unattended on your property. Don't leave valuables inside where they can be easily seen from outside your house. Leave a contact telephone number with neighbours.

Before you leave home

Mark and record valuable items for easy identification Turn off all electrical goods to minimise fire risk and save electricity consumption while you are away.

Store all valuables in a secure location, out of sight. Inform your security monitoring centre of departure and return dates and ensure the alarm system is turned on.

Remember to make sure your home and contents are insured and all details are up to date. Some insurance company's provide a 25% discount on a home contents insurance policy for customers who have a back to base monitored home security system.

Call 0448 413 000 to arrange a free no-obligation quote on home security or alarm monitoring.